About Us

Manasi Kids Palace

About Manasi Kids

Manasi Kids Palace supplies inclusive educational approach based on the observation of children’s necessities in a variety of cultures. The school draws and forwards a road to noble present and rich future. The surrounding at Manasi Kids Palace embraces cautiously designed and scientifically exploited substances and techniques that invite and enchant children in learning activities of their own choice.

Under the guardianship of informed/trained Montessori teachers, children in Manasi classrooms learn by fashioning and discovering both tools and skills; children learn to refine concentration, encourage their faith, strengthen their ethical values, and promote self discipline and a craving for learning.

Manasi Kids Palace believes Montessori education as a helpmate to agreeable and rational life. The syllabuses are designed to assist children in the task of bringing themselves as a person of decisiveness as they grow from infancy to adulthood. The belief is triumphant because it allows the teacher freedom to conform to the needs of each child, whatsoever of their background, inquisitiveness or sociability.

The most fascinating part of Manasi is the broad joy of learning it injects in the children, the mentors and guardians. The warmth of learning provided at Manasi is a package to a happy and constructive life.

At Manasi, the mentor unify with the children. The children not only learn reading and writing. The children are self-reliant who choose their own activities, which range from behavioral practices like lighting a match and handling a pitcher to numbers and arithmetic. Mentors alarm them with basics of history, geography, and the sciences which are furthered in the post-Montessori education.

As parents, we all have a critical responsibility to support children to escalate our surrounding and act accountably as human beings. Manasi could give you the best choice.